Your trusted partner

in creating workspaces

that inspire and thrive.


Why Choose POS

In the fast-paced, evolving world of workspaces, having a partner who truly understands your unique vision and requirements is invaluable. POS is not just about designing and fitting out offices, we understand the value of human capital. We're passionate about creating spaces that enhance productivity, well-being, and brand ethos. Here are some reasons why POS could be your ideal partner in transforming your workspace.

The POS Difference:

Choosing POS means choosing a partner that shares your excitement for creating a remarkable workspace. We invite you to experience the POS difference and transform your workspace into a place where people love to work.

Tailored Solutions Just for You

We don't believe in one-size-fits-all. Every business is unique, with its own culture, challenges, and goals. That's why we collaborate closely with you, crafting workspace solutions that genuinely reflect your brand, empower your team, and bring joy to your work environment.

Quality You Can Trust

Quality is at the heart of what we do. From the materials we choose to the final touches, every part of our process is carried out with meticulous attention to detail. With POS, expect a workspace that excels in design, function, and durability.

Local Knowledge, Global Standards

With roots in the Channel Islands, we understand the local market's unique nuances. Our decades of experience have allowed us to foster strong relationships with clients and suppliers, enabling us to deliver extraordinary experiences that go beyond the expected while maintaining global standards.

We’re Here for the Long Haul

We believe in nurturing enduring relationships. Our comprehensive aftercare services ensure that your workspace continues to perform at its best, long after project completion. From routine maintenance checks to upgrades and expansions, we're here to support your evolving needs.

Balancing Beauty with Responsibility

We think an inspiring workspace is one that balances aesthetics, functionality, and environmental responsibility. Our sustainable design solutions not only contribute positively to your employees' wellbeing and our planet but also provide long-term value, helping your business to thrive.

Respecting Your Budget

We understand the importance of setting and controlling budgets in any project. Our expertise in budget cost analysis and value engineering allows us to deliver top-quality results that align with your financial constraints.

Our 3C’s Design Philosophy

Shaping the ideal workspace involves catering to the multifaceted needs of the modern knowledge worker. It means creating spaces that inspire, motivate, and boost productivity while fostering well-being.

At the heart of our design process are three vital pillars that we've identified as the foundation of any successful work environment: Collaboration, Concentration, and Contemplation. Together, these form our 3C’s Design Philosophy.

  • Space to share - areas designed for collaboration foster a creative and inspiring environment. Here, teams can spread out, share work, brainstorm ideas, or delve into problem-solving. These areas are conducive to both dynamic group discussions and quiet, focused teamwork.

  • Space to focus - concentration zones offer the much-needed quietude for knowledge workers. These areas are tailored to support deep work, allowing individuals to process information, plan strategically, and tackle tasks without interruption.

  • Space to think - contemplation spaces serve as rejuvenating havens away from the screen. These areas encourage rest, ideation, and mental restoration, allowing individuals to recharge and let their thoughts wander freely.

Dedicated to Wellness: Embracing the WELL Building Standard

The WELL Building Standard, commonly known as WELL, is a performance-driven system dedicated to assessing, certifying, and monitoring the features of our built environments that significantly affect human health and well-being. At POS, we incorporate WELL's principles into all our projects, ensuring that our designs and constructions reflect the best practices for enhancing health and wellness within the built environment.

The WELL Building Standard has been meticulously developed through extensive research by leading professionals in the fields of medicine, science, green building, and construction. The primary goal of the WELL Building Standard is to actively improve and protect the health and wellness of occupants within a building.

By embracing this philosophy, we place your team's well-being at the forefront of our designs, creating spaces that foster both productivity and wellness.

POS Design Philosophy: International Well Building Insitute

Sustainability at POS: EcoBlueprint Framework

The primary aim of the POS EcoBlueprint Framework is to assist our clients in embedding key sustainability considerations throughout their projects. It is a strategic tool that enables us to align good practice with decisions and to guide the transformation of workspaces into inspiring, wellness-oriented and productivity-enhancing spaces that minimise the negative effects on the environment. The benefits include:

  • Alignment with Sustainability Goals: It acts as a compass, ensuring every project sets its goals to be future-ready and environmentally considerate.

  • Comprehensive Guidance: The framework dives deep into sustainable best practices tailored for the commercial interior industry, offering clarity for our clients.

  • Legal Compliance: With a keen eye on regulations and certifications, the framework helps to clarify and allows our projects to meet local requirements and potentially set new benchmarks.

  • Long-term Impact: Championing the cause of viability and continuous improvement, the framework informs plans to ensure sustainability benefits can be achieved over the long term.

  • Enhanced Client Satisfaction: The demand for sustainability is ever-growing. Our framework enables us to take the lead, to advise, to guide and to enhance collaboration between our clients and our team.

The Scoring System Explained

Quantifying sustainability is challenging. However, our well-defined, transparent scoring system offers both precision and context. Each of the ten core sections within the POS EcoBlueprint Framework focuses on a distinct aspect of sustainability, each with a specific purpose and benefits:

  • Purpose & Intent: To minimise energy consumption through efficient technologies and practices.

    Benefits: Reduce operational costs, lower carbon emissions, and contribute to energy sustainability.

  • Purpose & Intent: To use sustainable materials and engage with responsible suppliers.

    Benefits: Supports a sustainable supply chain, reduces environmental impact, and encourages responsible industry practices.

  • Purpose & Intent: To reduce, reuse, and recycle waste and to utilise waste-to-energy solutions.

    Benefits: Minimises landfill usage, conserves resources and supports a circular economy.

  • Purpose & Intent: To minimise water consumption and waste through efficient technologies and practices.

    Benefits: Reduce water costs, conserve water resources, and support responsible water management.

  • Purpose & Intent: To create a healthy and comfortable indoor environment.

    Benefits: Enhances occupant well-being, improves productivity, and occupant satisfaction.

  • Purpose & Intent: To engage in socially responsible and community-oriented practices.

    Benefits: Builds goodwill, strengthens community relations, and reflects positively on corporate social responsibility.

  • Purpose & Intent: To encourage innovative and sustainable design solutions.

    Benefits: Enhances design quality, fosters innovation, and sets a project apart from competitors.

  • Purpose & Intent: To ensure compliance with relevant laws and to pursue sustainability certifications.

    Benefits: Avoids legal issues, provides a competitive edge, and reflects a commitment to sustainability.

  • Purpose & Intent: To promote the well-being of occupants through design and operational practices.

    Benefits: Enhances occupant health, reduces health-related absenteeism, and supports overall well-being.

  • Purpose & Intent: To ensure the ongoing sustainability and adaptability of the project.

    Benefits: Ensures long-term viability, supports adaptation to future trends, and fosters continuous improvement.

The POS EcoBlueprint Framework is a reflection of what we have learnt and is used to establish a clear plan for setting and achieving sustainability objectives whilst also delivering workspaces that exceed client expectations.

Image of ergonomic seating and sit/stand desks in the POS Studio.

Experience the POS difference for yourself.

Contact us today, and let's start the conversation about how we can transform your workspace together.